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Michelle Shimmin

Don't Miss the MKS Forum 2019!

Don't miss Michelle Shimmin's powerful team synergy focused lecture,

"Empower Your Team: Thrive!"

October 25th & 26th, 2019 in Dallas, Texas

More details on our flyer, including an exclusive Shimmin Consulting DISCOUNT code above! Book now before it's too late!

The MKS Forum is unlike any other Orthodontic Meeting! The best, brightest and most successful Progressive Orthodontists will be on hand to share what they have learned through DOING. The program is full of professional DOERS not professional SPEAKERS. The MKS Forum is primarily focused on the business of running an orthodontic practice and attendees can expect their practices to jump in a significant way if they come to Dallas with an open mind and a willingness to implement.

But MKS is not only for doctors. There is no better meeting or class available when it comes to ROI for allowing team members to attend. Not only will staff learn technical skills and process, they will see the power of great culture and positive attitudes by associating with the teams of other, highly successful orthodontists. The culture and the atmosphere at MKS are contagious and you’ll see an instant difference in the team members you bring to MKS.


To learn more about how Shimmin Consulting can partner with you and your team and for a free consultation appointment to discuss your practice concerns, contact us below. Also find out what people are saying about us and how we have impacted their practices.

What great things will you and your team do in 2019?

Partner your team with the best, Shimmin Consulting at:

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