The measure of a leader is not what you do, but what others do BECAUSE OF YOU! The ability to positively and effectively lead and influence those around you is the greatest recipe!!! It’s a learned behavior. Leaders must have vision, creativity, and the ability to influence others to follow and support them. Research on positive organizational development has revealed a powerful weapon for creating happier workplace cultures and more loyal and committed employees who produce better work. It comes down to one word:

Why don't we see more kindness at work? Why aren't more decision makers jumping on this bandwagon, if it means leveraging it for business growth, impact and bottom-line results? Simple kindness when you show up to work, say hello to team mates, say goodbye. I know this seems basic, and I see this nearly every day in practices and it’s discouraging and disheartening and the practices are not getting the results! Nothing could be further from the truth than the belief that kindness is not fit for business. Plenty of research suggests that when companies create an environment of kindness lived out daily, they will see a happier workplace and an improved bottom line. Here are some examples.
1. Kindness boosts employee well-being and productivity.
What are you waiting for? While kindness and positivity does not replace firmness and accountability, it will always boost employee well-being and productivity.
2. Kindness’s effect on the brain helps improve teamwork.
Our brains are actually hard-wired to respond to kindness and trust: "When someone is kind and respectful to us, our brains produce more oxytocin and dopamine, which helps us relax, feel open to others, and be more sharing and cooperative.”
3. Kindness promotes trust.
In PricewaterhouseCoopers' 19thAnnual Global CEO Survey, for which 1,409 CEOs in 83 countries were interviewed, it was found that kindness boosts employee commitment to the organization, cuts down on communication barriers, reduces toxic relationships among staff, and bolsters relationships.
4. Kindness fosters learning and innovation.
Bring out the best in your team and take full advantage of your team’s strengths. When employees perceive that they are valued for their contribution and that the organization cares about their well-being, they feel a positive obligation to help the organization reach its objectives.
5. Kindness increases employee retention and reduces turnover.
•job satisfaction and commitment increase
•employee retention increases
•absenteeism and turnover decreases